USC has switched to online learning for the rest of the semester in order to flatten the curve for COVID-19. Although it's not ideal, it's definitely the best way to go for everyone's safety. But quarantine and Safe At Home doesn't mean we can't have fun together!
Our first week back in classes after Spring break was also our first week doing class through Zoom. To combat the stress and woes of isolation and quarantine, folks over at USC have put together a Zoom Game Jam! This is an amazing opportunity because it keeps creative minds active while providing fun for the community. You can see what our group came up with below, or check out our post on the Zoom Jam website.
Are you tired of zooming out on Zoom? Tired of thinking “What the heck are they saying?” Don’t know how to lip read but wanna do it anyway? If you wish everyone could be silent for a second but still have fun, come play MUTE-iny!
By Aubrey Isaacman, Francesca Palamara, Joanna Chen, Xi Luo

1. Everyone is muted, and the volume is turned down. 2. Pick an order for people to go (for instance, number each person 1, 2, 3, 4…). 3. One person starts by counting down from 3, then says a sentence really slowly. 4. Everyone else – type and send your response to the group chat and see what everyone else said! 6. Have the next person signal or post in the chat that they’re starting, and repeat steps 3-5 until everyone has had a chance. 7. Once everyone has gone, unmute yourselves and reveal your sentences!