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I am a game designer with a focus on meaningful play. Below are my published works.
Dark Mode
coming soon!

Experimental Gameplay Workshop (EGW) 20th Anniversary | GDC 2022
I got to co-host and present my game, Our First Kiss, as part of this year's EGW panel. For the 20th anniversary, we continue to recognize the developers eager to share their novel ideas with the industry at large, reflect on the history of the event, and pass the torch to new creators and organizers.

Sexy Microtalks: Making Making with Emotion | GDC 2021
Similar to the 2019 panel, I hosted 9 speakers, each discussing their areas of expertise when it comes to making games for sex, romance, and intimacy.

Dreidel Remix Jam
For Chanukah 2020, I hosted a game jam through the IGDA Jewish Game Developers SIG. The theme was to use dreidels in a different or unique way.

Aubrey Isaacman | Kritiqal Care: Episode 7
On this episode, I discuss with host Nathalie Kiernan how my games approach intimacy and emphasize player emotion.

Sexy Microtalks: Designing Sex and Emotions | GDC 2020
I'm bringing Sexy (Microtalks) back for GDC 2020! Nine speakers (including myself) will discuss various methods for designing both sexual and emotional intimacy.

Making Jewish Games Workshop (Presented by the IGDA) | GDC 2020
Our community has long been concerned with the lack of suitable Jewish representation in games. To address this, we’re hosting a workshop so you can make your “Jewish game” come to life. Work alongside fellow Jewish game devs and share how you want to be represented in games.

Sexy Games with Aubrey Isaacman | Encyclopodia 2019
On this episode of Encyclopodia, I chatted with host Danny Pirtle about sexy games (everything from sex ed to porn) and how sexual themes can be a valuable aspect of gameplay.

Sexy Microtalks: Making Intimacy, Sex, and Romance in Games | GDC 2019
I hosted 9 speakers, each discussing their areas of expertise when it comes to making games for sex, romance, and intimacy.
Ranking within GDC: 36 of 410 (top 10%)
Ranking within Advocacy Track: 9 out of 26
Ranking within GDC: 36 of 410 (top 10%)
Ranking within Advocacy Track: 9 out of 26

Mental Health Advocacy Roundtable (Presented by IGDA) | GDC 2019
I took notes during our first ever Mental Health Advocacy (MHA) roundtable! We discussed healthy workplace habits, the issues that neurodiverse people have to handle in the game dev community, and how we can support each other.

Discover Your Chutzpah Roundtable (Presented by IGDA) | GDC 2019
This year, Aviva Scheterson and I facilitated our roundtable discussion. This year we discussed how we move forward after anti-semitic experiences, and how we use our games to focus on Tikkun Olam: repairing the world.

Jewish Developers SIG Roundtable (Presented by IGDA) | GDC 2018
I was the official speaker and facilitator of the Jewish Developers Special Interest Group (JSIG) roundtable. We talked about our experiences in the work place, and how we can improve the game development community to support Jewish developers and other minorities.

Jewish Developers SIG Roundtable (Presented by IGDA)| GDC 2017
This was my first year involved with the IGDA's Jewish Developers Special Interest Group (JSIG)! While Aviva facilitated, I took notes and occasionally helped facilitate by helping the quieter members of the group speak up.
cancelled due to covid-19
Talks & Events
Awards & Scholarships

IGDA Scholars | GDC 2019, Conference + Summits Pass
The IGDA Scholars Program gives participants the opportunity to attend GDC through a complimentary pass, and provides exclusive meeting opportunities, one-on-one mentoring from an industry veteran, and tours of studios local to the event.

Glitch Power Leveling, Design Guild | GDC 2017, All Access Pass
Through Glitch Power Leveling, I experienced the full week of GDC for the first time. I received an all access pass, an amazing guild leader, and newfound knowledge and friendships. For the first time, I understood the importance of GDC and was able to take full advantage of all the conference has to offer.

Art Dean's Fund for Excellence | UCSC 2018
With this fund, I attended Heartbeat Symposium and Game Jam by Blushbox CLTV, in Byron Bay, Australia. I traveled across the world to do research for and playtest my card game, Intimacy. This symposium was an incredibly powerful and impactful experience; I think about it everyday and my experience there influences designs today.

Chancellor's Award | UCSC 2017, Trash Toss
While creating Trash Toss, an educational mobile game about Santa Cruz county recycling regulations, we had a working partnership with the Santa Cruz landfill to ensure the upmost accuracy. My team won the Chancellor's Award at UCSC, one of the highest awards for undergraduate student research projects.
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